Developer Guide

As mentioned in my previous blog posts, the primary aim of my gsoc project was to apply numba across ArviZ. In this blog post, I’ll be laying out a work plan so as to help the future developers on Numba related issues in the project.

The main components

The following methods in are at the core of Numba development for this project. Given that Numba, along with LLVM, is a reasonably large python package, it is not a necessary dependency, and this is where these methods become useful.

  • conditional_jit: A substitute for the numba jit decorator; accepts all the parameters as the regular numba jit method. Identical in function as the regular jit with numba installed, idempotent in the absence of it.

  • conditional_vect: A substitute for the numba vectorize decorator; accepts all the parameters as the regular numba vectorize method. Identical in function as the ordinary vectorize when numba is installed, idempotent in the absence of it.

  • Numba class: A class to toggle the numba status. It has the following attributes and methods:

    • numba_flag: True if numba is installed, else false.

    • disable_numba: A method to disable the conditional_jit and conditional_vect methods.

    • enable_numba: A method to enable conditional_jit and conditional_vect methods.

  • _numba_var: A method to calculate variance. If numba_flag is true then it uses the custom methods(right now it is just the variance methods included in stats_utils) else it uses the standard numpy or scipy methods. Similar functions can be added by new developers in the future as well.


As mentioned in my previous blog post, airspeed velocity has ben used for benchmarking the numbified methods. Currently, importing arviz into causes the build of the benchmarking suite to break abruptly. The workaround this is the following: The speedups gained by the entire method are roughly proportional to the speed up gained by the numbified part of the method. Hence, these benchmarks give us a good estimate of how much speedup the main method has gained overall. To get an idea of how much speedup your method has gained, do the following:

def time_numba_func():
    data = {data to be used to benchmark your method}
        import numba
        def your_custom_or_jitted_method(*args,**kwargs):
        # Your custom method
    except ImportError:
        return numpy or scipy equivalent of the numbified method contains the steps to run the asv benchmarks.

Ahead of time compilation

As mentioned previously, numba is a reasonably heavy dependency. A simple alternative to this is to use the numba ahead of time compilation. More information about ahead of time compilation and its benefits can be found here. The methods meant to be precompiled can be added in The steps to add the generated binaries into the release are as follows (These steps are only for Linux platforms):

  • Pull one the following docker image: docker pull or

  • docker run -it -v $(pwd):/io

  • PYBIN=/opt/python/cp36-cp36m/bin

  • for PYBIN in /opt/python/*/bin; do"${PYBIN}/pip" wheel /io/ -w wheelhouse/done

  • The manylinux wheel will be available in the wheelhouse directory.

  • Upload it on PyPI via twine.

  • The latest aot module can be installed via pip install -i aot-arviz. In the future, this will be available with ArviZ.

Using the precompiled methods

The current aot module has precompiled methods only for the variance methods included in the stats_utils. The package can then be imported under as numba_compilations. Here is an example:

import numpy as np
from numba_compilations import stats_variance_2d as svar

data = np.random.randn(100,100)

The variance methods in the stats_utils will be replaced by these precompiled methods shortly.


Before this project, my programming experience was limited to writing small python scripts from time to time. This was a first attempt on working collectively on a project as a result of which I’m more familiar with programming collaboratively with others. From this project, I also learned a lot beyond programming skills, such as how to write a proposal, how is a Python package structured and how to build documentation. Working on a Python package gives me a deeper understand and encourages me to take one step further. Instead of installing a package and simply using it as instructed, now I would also like to look at the source code and maybe even customize it for my own requirements.

I would like to thank my mentors Ravin Kumar, Colin Carrol for helping me throughout this project. Special thanks to Osvaldo Martin and Ari Hartikainen as well. It was a pleasure working with you all.